Regulations of the New Mobility Congress, September 23–25, 2025
§ 1. General provisions
- The Regulations apply to the participants of the New Mobility Congress on September 23–25, 2025 („Regulations”), hereinafter referred to as the Congress, organized by the New Mobility Association based in Warsaw at Fabryczna Street 5A, 00-446 Warsaw, Poland, registered in the register of associations of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000643156, REGON: 365877690, NIP: 5252684377 (PSNM).
- The Congress will be held on September 23–25, 2025, at International Congress Centre (MCK), Plac Sławika i Antalla 1, 40-163 Katowice, Poland. The official website of the Congress is available at:
- PSNM reserves the right to cancel, shorten or postpone the date or change the place of the Congress, as well as changes in the Congress program, and undertakes to inform about it on the website, and if the changes occur after the registration of participation – they will also inform by e-mail by sending an e-mail to the address indicated in the application, with sufficient advance notice.
- The terms used in the Regulations have the following meaning:
a) Congress – New Mobility Congress to be held on September 23–25, 2025, at International Congress Centre (MCK), Plac Sławika i Antalla 1, 40-163 Katowice, Poland.
b) PSNM or Organizer – the company under the name New Mobility Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Nowej Mobilności) with its registered office in Warsaw at Fabryczna Street 5A, 00-446 Warsaw, registered in the register of associations of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warszawy in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000643156, REGON: 365877690, NIP: 5252684377 (PSNM).
c) Venue – International Congress Centre (MCK), Plac Sławika i Antalla 1, 40-163 Katowice, Poland.
d) Participant – a natural person who has registered / registered for participation and paid the appropriate fee for participation in the Congress.
e) Tpay – An electronic payment system offering quick pay-by-link payments, offered by a company under the name of Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A. with its registered office in Poznań at plac Andersa 3, 61-894 Poznań, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court of Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000412357, NIP 7773061579, REGON 300878437.
f) Consumer – A participant who is a consumer within the meaning of art. 221 of the Civil Code or a natural person for whom participation in the Congress is directly related to its business activity, but it is not of a professional nature.
g) Gridaly Registration System – an online event participant registration system intended for Congress participants in a stationary mode.
§ 2. Participation in the Congress
- The Participant of the Congress may only be a person who has registered / applied for participation and made the appropriate payment („Payment”), in accordance with the Regulations.
- The condition for participation in the Congress is:
a) submitting an on-line application via the Gridaly Registration System available on the website by September 23, 2025, and
b) making an appropriate Payment within 7 days from the date of notification, no later than on September 23, 2025.
Completion of the activities described above leads to the conclusion of an agreement with the Participant for participation in the Congress as of the date of payment of the Fee (“Agreement”).
- Organizer reserves the right to terminate the registration earlier if the limit of places at the Congress is exhausted.
- Correct online registration includes accepting the Regulations and providing the following data of the applicant: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number (optional), and in the case of running a business additionally: company name, company address – street, apartment number, city, country, tax identification number (NIP), e-mail address; Registration of Participants takes place through the Gridaly Registration System.
- The Payment is made via the Tpay service. The Payment confirmation by the Tpay system is considered to be the payment made by the Tpay system. If you wish to receive an invoice for the payment made, please send an e-mail with the payment number and invoice details to the following address:
- Failure to settle the full Payment by the date specified in section 2 letter b results in the Organizer not accepting the application. In case of doubts, in particular in the case of exhausting the limit of places at the Congress, the order in which the application is sent is decisive.
- The Payment for participation in the Congress is specified on the website in the Get a ticket tab and in the content below. The prices given are net prices (excluding VAT).
Fees for participation in the New Mobility Congress 2025
Conference & EXPO Pass | Conference & EXPO Premium Pass | Conference & EXPO Executive Pass | |
Super Early Bird: 16/12/2024 – 31/01/2025 | Free of charge* | PLN 1,499 net | PLN 4,999 net |
Early Bird: 1/02/2025 – 30/04/2025 | Free of charge* | PLN 1,999 net | PLN 4,999 net |
Regular Ticket: 1/05/2025 – 31/08/2025 | Free of charge* | PLN 2,499 net | PLN 4,999 net |
Final Call: 1/09/2025 – 25/09/2025 | Free of charge* | PLN 2,999 net | PLN 4,999 net |
* Registration required, limited number of tickets
Enterprises with the status of PSNM Supporting Member status are entitled to 1 free ticket in the “Conference & EXPO Premium Pass” category and a 50% discount on the above prices for subsequent tickets in the “Conference & EXPO Premium Pass” and “Conference & EXPO Executive Pass” categories.
- In the event of participation in the Congress, the Congress Participant covers the costs of travel, travel, stay and accommodation on his own.
- By accepting the Regulations and participating in the Congress, the Participant allows the Organizer to use, record, process, reproduce, and distribute the image recorded in the form of a photograph or video recording free of charge, and allows the Organizer to distribute the image recorded in connection with participation in the Congress for information, promotional and advertising purposes related to with Congress or PSNM activities, including on PSNM profiles on social networking sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn. The consent applies to the situation in which the Participant’s image is not part of the Congress.
- When registering the application for participation, the Participant may express separate consents to the processing of personal data for purposes other than those referred to above (e.g. marketing related to the organization of other events by PSNM).
- The program of the Congress is available on the website PSNM reserves the right to cancel, shorten or postpone the date or change the place of the Congress, as well as changes in the Congress program and undertakes to inform about it on the website, and if changes occur at the stage of registration of participation applications – will also inform by electronically by sending an e-mail to the address indicated in the application, with sufficient advance notice. The procedure for resignation and return of the fee is regulated in paragraph 3 of the Regulations.
- The Participant has the right to make a complaint. Complaints may be submitted by post to the PSNM address provided in paragraph 1 or by e-mail to the following address:
- PSNM will endeavor to consider the complaint immediately, but no longer than within 30 days of its receipt. If the data necessary to consider the complaint is not provided, the Participant will be requested to complete it. In the event of the ineffective expiry of the deadline for supplementing the data by the Participant, the complaint is considered void and the application will be closed.
- In the content of the complaint, the Participant should include: his / her identification data, i.e. name and surname, company and tax identification number (in the case of participation as part of a business activity by the Participant), contact details: e-mail address and telephone number as well as a description of the reason for the complaint and comprehensive data regarding the event: time, place, description of the event or problem. The participant should also indicate what he is demanding.
- Filing a complaint does not release the user from the need to comply with these Regulations and other applicable regulations.
§ 3. Resignation from participation in the Congress
- The Participant may resign from participation in the Congress by September 12, 2025 at the latest on the terms set out below. PSNM will reimburse the Payment made for participation (as part of Tpay or in the form of a bank transfer), only on the basis of the Participant’s application sent by e-mail to the following address: The e-mail should include the number of the bank account to which the Payment is to be returned.
- The Participant may resign from participation in the Congress after the date specified in sec. 1 above in the event of a significant change in the Congress program, significant shortening or postponing the date or change of the place of the Congress after the indicated in sec. 1 time limit. In this case, the application should be submitted by September 23, 2025, and the funds may be reimbursed only in the event of non-participation in the Congress. The e-mail should contain the grounds for resignation and the bank account number to which the refund for the Payment paid is to be made.
- PSNM will make a refund in the form of a transfer to the bank account provided in the e-mail by the person concerned, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the e-mail by PSNM.
- In relations to possible changes to the Regulations, which is further referred to in paragraph 7 sec. 3, the Participant has the right to resign from participation in the Congress, with the reimbursement of the participation fee, if such a fee has been paid to the Organizer, the provision of sec. 2 shall apply accordingly.
- The Participant is not entitled to withdraw from the contract pursuant to Art. 38 point 12 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 287 – i.e. as amended). However, the Organizer grants Participants who are Consumers, regardless of the rights set out in paragraph 1-2 above, the right to resign from participation in the Congress within 14 days from the date of concluding the Agreement, but not later than before the start of the Congress, without giving a reason. In such a case, the Fee paid is fully refunded.
- A declaration of resignation from participation in each of the cases described above should be sent to the Organizer’s e-mail address: In the content of the statement, the participant should indicate the basis for resignation and the bank account number to which the Fee is to be refunded. The refund of the Payment will be made within 14 days from the date of submitting the declaration of resignation from participation to the bank account number indicated in the declaration.
- PSNM has the right to withdraw from the Agreement by the day preceding the beginning of the Congress. The declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement should be submitted to the Participant in writing or via e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Participant during registration. If the Organizer submits a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Agreement shall be deemed not concluded, and the Organizer shall return to the Participant the entire Fee for the Congress paid by the Participant within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the Agreement to the bank account provided by the Participant.
§ 4. Order regulations
- Participants may stay at the Congress Venue only on the dates and times indicated on the website
- It is not allowed to record (photograph, film, record sound) by the Participants of any point of the Congress program using any audiovisual means, unless the Participant receives appropriate permission from the PSNM. If the above activities may disturb the organization and conduct of the Congress, the PSNM may order their suspension. In the case of recording the Congress without consent, PSNM is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement immediately and deprive the Participant of the right to further participation in the Congress.
- It is forbidden for the Participants to carry out any commercial, canvassing, advertising, promotional, agitation and fundraising activities not agreed with the PSNM, as well as activities inconsistent with applicable law.
- the following prohibitions, among others, apply at the Venue:
a. bring in and use weapons, ammunition and pyrotechnic materials as well as harmful chemical substances, as well as open fire, which pose a fire hazard, damage to property and pose a threat to the health and life of people;
b. bring in and consume alcohol as well as distribute and consume drugs;
c. disturbing public order (e.g. loud, aggressive behavior);
d. bring animals, as well as bicycles, skateboards, etc., unless it is allowed by PSNM at some events due to their specificity (e.g. exhibition area).
The list of prohibitions in force at the Venue may be updated by the PSNM or the administrators of the Venue. The exact content of the Regulations of the Event Venue will be available during the Congress. - It is forbidden to leave any items unattended, including luggage or other property.
- Objects and substances referred to in paragraph 4 lit. a) and items left unattended at the Event Venue or elsewhere may, for safety reasons, be removed or destroyed by PSNM or specialist services at the expense of the person leaving the items/substances, unless it is impossible to determine who they belonged to. PSNM is not responsible for this. If it is necessary to evacuate people from the premises of the Congress or other event, the costs of such evacuation will be charged to the persons who left these items.
- Participants are required to:
a. respect the markings of communication routes and zones separated from traffic subject to fire protection;
b. comply with the traffic regulations that apply in the traffic zone at the Event Venue;
c. execute order orders issued by PSNM services or the administrator of the Event Venue for organizational and security reasons (the need to protect property and ensure the safety of people staying at the Event Venue), e.g. regarding the evacuation of people from the Congress area;
d. follow the instructions of the officers of the Fire Brigade or other state services during evacuation, rescue operations or control and reconnaissance activities.
§ 5. Liability and Insurance
- PSNM shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Participants as a result of failure to comply with instructions issued by PSNM services in situations of threats to the safety of people and property, e.g. in connection with ordering the evacuation of people from the Event Venue.
- The exclusion of PSNM liability for the above reasons is not affected by the security measures taken at the Event Venue (technical security, security services, monitoring).
- The Participant is responsible for damages caused during the Congress through his fault and the fault of the person over whom he took care during the Congress.
§ 6. Processing of personal data
- The administrator of personal data processed in relation to the organization of the Congress is the New Mobility Association with its registered office in Warsaw at Fabryczna Street 5A, 00-446 Warsaw, registered in the register of associations of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000643156, REGON: 365877690, NIP: 5252684377.
- Participants’ personal data will be used in accordance with the conditions set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/ 46/EC (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1–88, “GDPR”), Polish regulations adopted to enable the application of the GDPR, other applicable laws and the Regulations.
- The personal data administrator does not transfer data to a third country / international organization, except as referred to in sec. 4 below.
- In order to promote the Congress or the activities of the PSNM, personal data of the Participants (in terms of: image) may be transferred to the administrators of social networks, e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn. The administrators of these social networks are personal data administrators independent of the PSNM. We encourage you to read the privacy protection rules adopted by these administrators.
- Participants’ personal data will not be subject to automated processing, including profiling.
- Personal data provided in the application for participation/on-line registration will be processed for the purpose and scope related to the organization of the Congress. The basis for the processing of personal data is art. 6 sec. 1 letter b) of the GDPR – performance of the contract (acceptance of the Regulations and application for participation in the Congress as well as acceptance by the Organizer of the application and the Fee constitute the conclusion of the Agreement). PSNM may also process Participants’ personal data in order to establish, defend or pursue claims in connection with the Congress being organized, as well as in the promotion of the Congress, e.g. by publishing photos with the Participants’ image on social networks administered by the Organizer, e.g. Facebook, which is its legal legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). In this case, personal data will be stored for the period of limitation of claims resulting from the law or after the purpose for which they were collected has been achieved.
- If the Participant has given the consent referred to in § 2 sec. 10, personal data will be processed to the extent necessary to achieve the goal(s) for which consent has been given, until the Participant withdraws the consent. The basis for the processing of personal data is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a) GDPR – voluntary, unambiguous, informed and specific consent of the data subject. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
- Participants have the right to: a) access to data, b) rectification of data, c) withdrawal of consent to data processing d) data transfer e) data deletion. The Participant, within the limits of the law, also has the right to object to the processing of his personal data or demand processing restrictions if the Organizer processes them for the purpose of his legitimate interest. The exercise of the rights referred to above may take place by indicating your requests in writing sent to the Administrator’s address.
- Participants also have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection against the processing of their data by PSNM as the Administrator.
- The data was obtained directly from the Participants. Providing them is voluntary, but necessary for the implementation of the above. processing purposes.
§ 7. Final Provisions
- In matters of order and organization related to the course of the Congress not provided for in these Regulations, PSNM, presented during the Congress, has the deciding vote. In other matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law, in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.
- The Regulations for the participants of the Congress can be found on the website, at the Organizer’s office and at the Venue of the event.
- The Organizer has the right to change the provisions of the Regulations. The changes will be published on the website Participants will also be notified of changes by e-mail to the address indicated in the application for participation.
- The Regulations are valid from December 10, 2024.