The New Mobility Congress is around the corner. Meet our internationally acclaimed speakers and high quality program

  • The fifth edition of the New Mobility Congress (Kongres Nowej Mobilności – KNM) will be distinguished by an extensive and inspiring program covering all the key trends and challenges of the sustainable transportation sector.
  • The 160-point program features more than 400 speakers from around the world on five stages. Among others, leading industry innovators, industry representatives, government representatives, diplomats, city presidents, as well as the sector’s environment and stakeholders have confirmed their presence.
  • The Congress will be complemented by the EXPO – an exhibition of sustainable transportation and new mobility. 150 partners will showcase their products and solutions on 15,000 square meters.

The New Mobility Congress (Kongres Nowej Mobilności – KNM) is Central and Eastern Europe’s largest event dedicated to sustainable transportation and new mobility. It takes place in Łódź, Poland on September 24-26, 2024 and is organized by the Polish New Mobility Association (PSNM), the City of Łódź and AVERE – the European Association for Electromobility.

This year the New Mobility Congress will bring together more than 400 speakers from around the world. Over the course of three days, they will participate in more than 160 keynotes, debates, workshops or roundtables. Among the invited guests will be representatives of EU institutions, government and local administration, diplomatic missions, Mayors of Cities, local government officials, as well as experts, leaders, researchers, market practitioners and representatives of the third sector.

The presence of almost all key stakeholders in new mobility guarantees that this year’s Congress will become not only a place of intense discussion, but above all a platform for establishing solutions and instruments for further dynamic development of the sustainable transport sector. There are numerous challenges ahead, including the implementation of EU regulations (in particular, AFIR and battery regulations) or the implementation of the RED III directive. It is also necessary to counter the decline in demand for zero-emission vehicles and accelerate the expansion of charging infrastructure, especially for the eHDV sector. We will be discussing all the above-mentioned and many other areas at KNM 2024 – comments Aleksander Rajch, PSNM Board Member.

The Congress program is available here >

Notable guests who will attend KNM 2024 include:

Eddy Liegeois – Head of Transport Networks Unit in the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission, Ewa Ptaszyńska – Deputy of Unit, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission, Anna Clunes – British Ambassador to Poland,  Rik Van Droogenbroeck – Ambassador of Belgium to Poland and Lithuania, Fabrice Filliez – Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland, Dariusz Wieczorek – Minister of Education, Michał Kobosko – Member of the European Parliament, Ignacy Niemczycki – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Development and Technology, Konrad Wojnarowski – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Development, Szymon Byliński – Director of the Department of Electromobility and Hydrogen Management at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ireneusz Fąfara – CEO of Orlen, Carla Wentzel – CEO of Volkswagen Group Poland,

Przemysław Rajewski – CEO of Daimler Truck Poland, Attila Szabo – Managing Director of Ford Poland, Bartosz Kubik – Founder and CEO of Ekoenergetyka, Dr. Meta Kessler – Director Corporate Strategy of IONITY, Christian Hahn – CEO of Hubject, Marek Samborski – CEO of Garo Poland, Robert Chryc-Gawrychowski – CEO of Northvolt Poland, Xiaomin Ma – General Manager and Board Member of Capchem Poland, Dr Anita Sengupta – CEO and founder of Hydroplane, Gil Peñalosa – founder of Cities for Everyone, Mimi Sheller – Dean of The Global School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Jaromir Beránek – Member of the Prague City Assembly, Michał Kurtyka – President of COP24, Joerg Wittemann – Senior Govt. Relations Manager of Tesla, Petar Goergiev – Head of Strategic Alliances and Sustainability of AMPECO, Fabrice Stassin – Secretary General of BEPA and Director Government Affairs of Umicore, Chris Bruntlett – International Relations Manager of Dutch Cycling Embassy, Petra Jens – Vienna Walking Commisioner, Philip Amaral – Director of Policy and Development of European Cyclists’ Federation, Eric Ruyters – Secretary General of EUCOBAT, Henk Kleef – CEO of HyGear,

Lim Seung-Thek – Managing Director of POSCO International Poland, Tom Slapjums – CEO & Co-Founder of Aianano, Sita Holtslag – Europe Director of CALSTART, Lucie Mattera – Secretary General of ChargeUp Europe, Ines Rocha – Regional Director for Europe of IFC World Bank Group, Oana Penu – Director of EIT InnoEnergy Skills Institute, Raphael Héliot, Policy Manager AVERE, Yoann Bernard, Internation Partnerships Program lead of ICCT.

These are just some of more than 400 speakers featured on the Speakers site – Meet all our Speakers >

KNM 2024 program: responding to the needs of the new mobility sector

During the three days of KNM 2024, all the key challenges in the development of new mobility will be discussed. Topics within the 160-point Congress program will include the development of infrastructure for zero-emission vehicles (charging and hydrogen refueling stations), the energy transition, the future of transportation and its decarbonization, the impact of the new mobility sector on the Polish and European economies, as well as the needs of urban development in terms of sustainable transportation. Participants should also expect discussions devoted to R&D solutions, technology or research on new technologies.

Topics will be addressed through seven thematic tracks of the Congress: Poland Drives e-Mobility, Urban New Mobility Summit, eHDV Forum, European Battery Day powered by EBA250, New Mobility Industry Forum, Hydrogen Technologies Forum, New Mobility Engineering and Technology Symposium. Speakers and panelists will appear on five stages, whose names herald the program ideas: New Mobility Stage, Vision Stage, Power Stage, Innovation Stage and Synergy Stage.

It would be impossible to list all the highlights of the KNM 2024 program, which is vast this year. However, it is worth mentioning, among others, the panel “New Mobility Drives the Transformation of the Energy System” with the participation of stakeholders shaping the Polish energy landscape. It is during this panel that we will discuss strategic goals and instruments to support the energy system, the implementation of which will further develop the electromobility sector in Europe, as well as open our country to new investments. The transition to electric cars, the policies and regulations being implemented around the world will be the main topic of the session “What are the Essential Ingredients for the Success of e-Mobility?”. Of course, at KNM 2024 there will be no shortage of regulatory issues and policies implemented by the European Union. Such agenda items as “New Mobility with the New Mandate – Policy Guidelines for European Union,” for example, will be devoted to them. On the other hand, as part of the panel “Attracting New Mobility Investment – the Polish Way,” we want to initiate a discussion on strengthening the Polish industry and instruments conducive to the influx of further investments from the new mobility sector into the country – points out Jan Wiśniewski, Director of the PSNM Research and Analysis Center.

During the Congress, the challenges facing the transport and logistics industry will also be addressed. One of the issues discussed will be the development of a new standard for a charging connector dedicated to trucks (MCS). Stakeholders of the eHDV sector will meet, among others: during a “fireside chat” titled “Megawatt Charging for Trucks Along European Freight Routes”. In turn, the panels “What Type of Excellence are We Striving For to Make the CEE Into a Battery Hub” and “Fostering Battery Competence in the CEE” will discuss the most important challenges related to the battery sector. One of the key challenges for this sector is the potential closure of several battery plants in Poland due to regulations which are currently being processed by the European Commission.

The future of urban transport will be the main topic in panels such as: “The Hidden Costs, Complexities, And Benefits Of Mixed Electric Fleets In Last-Mile-Logistics” or “Decarbonizing Municipal Bus Fleets”. Hydrogen was also not forgotten during the Congress: in “The Hydrogen Edge: Maritime, Mobility and Energy in the Baltic’s Green Future”, “Powering the Future: Hydrogen Technologies and Industry Collaboration”, as well as “The Role of Standardization in the Development of a Robust HRS Networks”, experts will reflect on the potential of using this energy carrier in road, water and air transport, as well as discuss standardization issues and plans to expand hydrogen refueling stations.

The New Mobility Congress will see premieres of several reports: from PwC and PSNM entitled “CEE Smart City Index” – the presentation of which will be attended by representatives of European cities: Prague, Kiev and Brno. Additionally, there will be a presentation of reports on the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Polish cities and monitoring of traffic emissions. During a special gala, the prestigious E-Mobility Leader awards will be presented. The E-Mobility Leader ranking is organized by PwC and PSNM and recognizes entities that are most effectively involved in the development of the e-mobility market.

EXPO is fully booked!

In addition to the substantive part of KNM 2024, the largest EXPO fair in Central and Eastern Europe will be held. 150 partners and exhibitors will present their offers on an area of ​​15,000 square meters. Every visitor to KNM will be able to experience innovative solutions from the entire value chain of the new mobility sector in one place and participate in several unique premieres on a European scale, a record number of which are planned for this year.

– We decided to divide our EXPO into two areas. The B2B exhibition zone is a professional exhibition that provides an opportunity to demonstrate the technology provided to other market participants. The EXPO will also include a B2C zone, enabling integration with end users and learning the opinions and expectations of potential customers. As a result, at KNM 2024, suppliers and users of zero-emission technologies will meet in the same place and time – says Łukasz Witkowski, Operations Director of PSNM.

Everything in one place – a dedicated app will help you plan your day

The organizers of KNM 2024 have prepared a dedicated mobile app for event participants, called “PSNM Events” (available on App Store and Google Play). It gives access to the admission ticket, all important information about the congress, enables to filter the program by topic tracks and other criteria, or lets participants chat with each other.

– Thanks to our App you will also be able to see the list of speakers and participants of KNM 2024, as well as use the “Business Matching” function, which allows to arrange business meetings with selected people. In addition, each event participant will be kept up to date about premieres, starting times of panels, debates or workshops thanks to “push” notifications. This is an innovative solution that will not only allow you to find your way in the EXPO Łódź space but will also enable you to establish new and tighten existing business relationships – says Maciej Gis, Head of Communication and PR of PSNM.

Last chance to buy a ticket!

Tickets to this year’s edition of the New Mobility Congress 2024 are still available. Visitors can choose between the “Conference & EXPO pass” (access to all conference stages and networking spaces) and “EXPO ticket” (access to the fair part on the third day). Tickets are offered at “Final Call” prices: PLN 2,690 net for the “Conference & EXPO pass” and PLN 290 net for “EXPO ticket”.


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